What is the Value of a Games Programme? | ICE Education
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What is the Value of a Games Programme?

by ICE Education

A lot of time is allocated to the Games Programme in most schools.  Routinely more than is devoted to Maths or English; sometimes more than both combined.  Recent research shows that there is little pressure to reduce this time. 

So, there should be time to deliver a range of desirable outcomes.  As participation in the Games Programme is usually compulsory, it would be reasonable to assume that some or all of the benefits are universally available to all pupils, regardless of physical ability.  Otherwise, only the most able would take part.

So, what is the Games Programme meant to do?  What experiences should it provide?  Here are some possibilities:

The joy of movement
Opportunity to succeed
Chance to cope with disappointment
Opportunity to develop resilience
A sense of personal satisfaction
Learn and apply courage and determination
Appreciate the value of delayed gratification
Understand the benefit of physical fitness
The joy of mastering a skill
A high level of physical literacy
Opportunity to experience victory and defeat
The chance to take part in culturally significant games
A minimum level of basic movement competence
A range of individual sports and activities
An understanding of the joy of challenge
Appropriate competition
The feeling of exhaustion
The impact of coaching
Sustained periods of physical endeavour
Self reliance
The encouragement of teachers and peers
A boost in self esteem
The fun of being with friends
A chance to understand how others feel
The joy of being physically fit
Memorable moments of magic
The enthusiastic support of parents and teachers
Trying, failing and trying again
The feeling of “flow”

What an industry leading programme that would be, if it could provide the opportunity for all children to experience all of the above!